
HaymiNet Rules⚠️ 

⚠️ ይሄ ሰርቨር ለሞባይል ቴክኒሺያን ነው
 This server is for mobile technicians

⚠️ ወደ አካውንት ገንዘብ ከመላካቹ በፊት ያናግሩን

 Talk to us before sending money to the account

⚠️ ወደ ሰርቨሩ ላይ ገንዘብ ከገባ መጠቀም እንጂ ማውጣት አይቻልም

 Money can be used after entering the server, but cannot be withdrawn

⚠️ ትእዛዝ ከመፈፀሞ በፊት ስለ ትእዛዙ መረጃ ያንብቡ

 Read the information about the order before placing the order


⚠️ ማንኛውንም ትእዛዝ ካደረጉ በኋላ መሰረዝ አይቻልም
 It is not possible to cancel any order after placing it

⚠️ ትእዛዞች ከተጠቀሰው ጊዜ ሊዘገዮ ይችላሉ በመሆኑም መሰረዝ አይቻልም
 Orders may be delayed from the specified time, so they cannot be canceled

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